Thursday, March 27, 2008

Re: Let's play some POKER...

Duration: 00:9 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-21 04:06:05

I fold.


Wohosky  2006-11-25 23:30:50

Thank you El Great Purge.
thegreatpurge  2006-11-25 22:23:23

darkmoxie  2006-11-24 01:18:48

You're very welcome!
dunlapgal  2006-11-21 23:16:32

LOL yes it just happens to be a brand name tire but in this case it is also a name of a town and not a dunlap over your belt either...LOL
Wohosky  2006-11-21 22:49:37

Muchas Gracias you crazy italian you. Yeah, I know, that was spanish. My bad.

Bollywood Superstar with Men's Fairness Cream

Duration: 00:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-03 05:39:41

Shahrukh Khan, the most handsome and sexy man of bollywood is now with Fair and Handsome. Shahrukh is looking fabulous here!! His smartness, elegant look...what to say, really outstanding!! Log on to to know more.


o0oKajolo0o  2008-03-24 07:19:45

hahahaha xD
calebvance  2008-03-21 22:28:20

This commercial is a crock of bull.Get over light skin vs dark skin,it's very pitiful.I you are hot,you are hot.Skin color has nothing to do with it.Anyways people changing their colors will soon get what is comming to them.I mean from seeing Michael Jackson one would think people have learnt their lesson but I guess not
Tanishaluvzmovies  2008-03-13 22:28:26

because being light was never a taboo is being dark !!! what the FREAGIN HECK!!!!!! is he serious!!!!??????? nah man this cant be right!!!!! wth!!!!!????/? bunch a bull shit!!! his ass looks exactly the same he just lighter his features didnt change sooo dumb this thing!!!
in2ennui  2008-01-28 18:30:09

Well, there is a craze for darkening one's skin...why not for lightening it? The taboo attached by western countries to this practice stems from their own guilt in discriminating against darker races. Some people find that they would like to have a medium color skin tone. Not extremely white, nor extremely dark.
NaaAdjoa  2008-01-20 23:15:57

Wow, where is that quote from? I like it.

Deal Gone Wrong

Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-14 21:04:22



Eternal Flame - Emily

Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-18 07:11:08

haha I remember listening to this song when I was a kid. Sorry, I sang it without practicing haha No offensive comments please


sp34  2008-02-20 18:40:28

Your voice has an excellent range you can hit all the right notes with no trouble. Another winner from Emily.
encinitasmel  2008-02-19 02:14:14

good job!! great clear voice
bassman29033  2008-02-18 13:05:21

this is very cute!! i like it you did a good job

Tara/Willow - Too Lost In You

Duration: 04:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-16 09:16:55

A Tara/Willow vid showing their love and passion towards each other. Song: Too Lost In You Artist: Sugababes


mjcaway  2008-01-20 23:03:39

Very well done. I miss Willow and Tara. I miss Buffy.
marlenenr1  2007-12-30 14:12:25

The songs fit too good, Wasn't it Willow who put a spell on Tara ;) Thanks for sharing the vid
VNVgirl  2007-12-19 05:17:33

thank you
SonofEire  2007-12-04 20:56:53

It was a dream, Xander's of course...only he would imagine them like that. lol
frangipangi123  2007-11-25 02:26:56

A lovely video, thanks for sharing. Just wondering, what episode is the clip at 2:54 from? Also, where is the first ten seconds from? I lol'd, it seems out of character for both Tara and Willow to dress that way. Thanks.

Anime listening/playing music

Duration: 05:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-03 00:29:23

Hey everybody this is my first vid so sorry its a little rough anyway sorry about the ending it doesnt have music dont know what really happened there anyway hope u like it :)


Lumbar17101  2008-03-24 14:44:02

thanks yooh!
clarinetplayer94  2008-03-16 21:17:53

I love this video!!!!
Lumbar17101  2008-02-19 01:20:34

haha no
HeavenPearl  2008-02-17 17:28:54

Cool :)
whiterose153  2008-02-01 20:26:50

hey I didn't really like anime at first but like I really like it now. It's awesome. ANIME ROCKS. yep.

Marco Masini a Neuchatel con Moyra

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-27 19:46:14

Ma sono vere.... ???


terrymaso  2007-09-13 08:36:58

Ma che bischero di omone.. ihihihi Grande Masolino mio!! :)
masinianaDOC  2007-07-03 14:09:20

KE provolone!
cirusinfabula  2007-01-05 15:10:37

maso sei il solito burlone

Air Lullaby

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-09 00:12:39

This anime is good, but so sad. I admit that when I watched the episodes I cried at least 3 times. *Sniffle* And this song is also kinda sad. They go hand in hand, you think?


animegirl465  2008-03-04 19:28:09

thank you very much
lmleland  2008-03-03 23:05:46

Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel). It's one of my favorites.. though, now b/c of Air and this vid, it always gets me teared up.
animegirl465  2008-03-03 13:35:16

whats the name of the song?
Miranell  2008-02-27 05:44:18

Thankies for the comments!! =^-^=
lmleland  2008-02-04 06:56:32

Listened to this yesterday, and I thought ' gosh!' Kudos, to you! :-) Billy Joel's music is amazing!

La Serenata (Tosti)

Duration: 03:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-17 01:57:22

Vola, o serenata: La mia diletta è sola, e, con la bella testa abbandonata, posa tra le lenzuola: O serenata, vola. O serenata, vola. Splende pura la luna, l’ale il silenzio stende, e dietro I veni dell’alcova bruna la lampada s’accende. Pure la luna splende. Pure la luna splende. Vola, o serenata, Vola, o serenata, vola. Ah! là. Ah! là. Vola, o serenata: La mia diletta è sola, ma sorridendo ancor mezzo assonnata, torna fra le lenzuola: O serenata, vola. O serenata, vola. L’onda sogna su ‘l lido, e ‘l vento su la fronda; e a’ baci miei ricusa ancore un nido la mia signora bionda. Sogna su ‘l lido l’onda. Sogna su ‘l lido l’onda. Vola, o serenata, Vola, o serenata, vola. Ah! là. Ah! là.


searnold56  2007-10-09 03:43:23

oh my god

From Really Big Shrimp "Makes me Happy"

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-07 11:08:23

This is basically Makes me Happy from Really Big Shrimp.


lindzluverly  2008-03-20 20:54:59

I love the original, but I really wanted to hear the little remix that the record company did in the movie. it was really bubblegum-y, as Drake said.
imsmarturnot1234  2008-03-20 17:31:01

is it totally black for youguys?
SwimmerChiky  2008-03-17 20:46:54

Not even a video, you guys can't say that it IS a video. A good song, but next time, please at least put on pictures of the movie or Drake Bell.
johawk97  2008-03-12 19:02:26

AngryOatMealMan  2008-03-11 06:28:17

Some people r so retarted and think this is bad.WELL,i think 100% different i think this is a really good vid!