Thursday, March 27, 2008

Air Lullaby

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-09 00:12:39

This anime is good, but so sad. I admit that when I watched the episodes I cried at least 3 times. *Sniffle* And this song is also kinda sad. They go hand in hand, you think?


animegirl465  2008-03-04 19:28:09

thank you very much
lmleland  2008-03-03 23:05:46

Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel). It's one of my favorites.. though, now b/c of Air and this vid, it always gets me teared up.
animegirl465  2008-03-03 13:35:16

whats the name of the song?
Miranell  2008-02-27 05:44:18

Thankies for the comments!! =^-^=
lmleland  2008-02-04 06:56:32

Listened to this yesterday, and I thought ' gosh!' Kudos, to you! :-) Billy Joel's music is amazing!

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