Friday, March 28, 2008

Nervous Systems playing "Mondegreen"

Duration: 03:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-27 17:21:15

Shot at Common Grounds in Gainesville. Nervous Systems is this local band I recently discovered and I really like them. The lead singer looks a lot like Jason Schwartzman. Enjoy.


super fast mochi making... live!

Duration: 01:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-14 12:21:20

I took this video last year in Nara, the ancient capital. These guys were hammering mochi, a kind of sweet paste. Look at their synchronization skills. And don't miss the guy mixing it in with bare hands!


pinchywayne  2008-02-24 11:20:20

HAHA! Great way to pound out your aggressions!
greenapplegreentea  2008-02-23 06:08:41

m3g4hyp3rCr4zyGu12l  2008-02-17 20:02:19

OneVideoUpload  2008-02-03 18:58:41

Make Mochi, like lighning, they do it so fast that the sound can't catch up until after the're done.
scabo0o  2008-01-03 17:07:31

its like making fufu but alot faster

17 most beautiful cars of all time.

Duration: 03:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-05 08:21:41

These are said to be the 17 most beautiful cars of all times. Please reply....


Guitar Hero 3 427K Scottie Through The Fire And Flames

Duration: 08:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-24 22:52:20

Scottie's Second Video of The Hardest Song Ever Put in Guitar Hero And He Rapes it. 427 K 4 Stars. He Does not Have 360 so he is not used to the guitar. Also, his highest is 92%. So yeah, the next video will be 5 stars. Enjoy.


markyowen  2008-03-06 21:40:07

This isnt the hardest song
iamtheman12359  2008-02-28 19:54:19

etbd3mm3tt  2008-01-27 10:09:41

are you jerking off to him in this video feldman???
ozzy9691  2008-01-25 18:41:07

its a good vid tho
ozzy9691  2008-01-25 18:40:26

WOW HAHA eric ur easily impressed lol thanks

Old elevator from XIX century

Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-08 03:38:59

Old elevator from XIX century


Arnooo93  2007-12-28 13:00:12

Where is it?
Mikey84  2007-12-21 13:37:04

I like those doors :) ...

Mathieu Amalric est le prochain vilain de James Bond

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-11 11:25:28

Mathieu Almaric est le prochain vilain de James Bond.


cafaitmal93  2008-03-19 15:14:39

No nawet fajny :)
Matrioschka  2008-02-16 13:20:12

Quelle belle voix, je l'adore. Surtotu pour l'avoir vu et lui avoir parlé en vrai : il est très charismatique.
Matrioschka  2008-02-16 13:19:27

Mais il a l'air bcp trop sympa pr etre un méchant! Par contre, je lui fais confiance, c'est un super acteur donc je sais qu'il en est cap ;) Chuis impatiente de voir ça.
pinkelita  2008-01-14 16:03:02

mmmmhhh c'mathieu ... gggrrrhhh maoououou!!
donnyph  2007-12-11 14:57:06

Ah beh en voila une interview intéréssante, je vous pique le lien youtube et le mets sur mon blog ciné. Merci, dommage que si peu de personne consulte la vidéo.

Mindfulness and be the watcher in the Here and Now

Duration: 03:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-14 16:26:01

Mindfulness excercise with Jan M. Keppel Hesselink, MD, PhD, president Foundation IOCOB and experienced mindfulness and Qigong trainer. Mindfulness, a term that perhaps the best we can translate with aandachtgerichtheid in dutch. Being here and now in total attention, without focus, but all including is the key of this mind state. It is as it is at this moment, without being otherwise. Accepting all that is Here and Now and watching the mind, the body and the sensations. As if being the Watcher on the Hill, as seeing it all from afar, detached yet clear and crisp! Mindfulness is the practice of becoming more aware of the present moment, rather than dwelling in the past or projecting into the future. It generally involves a heightened awareness of sensory stimuli (really noticing your breathing, feeling the sensations of your body, etc.) and being "in the now." While mindfulness has origins in Eastern philosophy and Buddhism, there is no necessary religious component to mindfulness -- anyone, with any belief system, can enjoy the benefits of mindfulness. Studies show that mindfulness can be helpful in stopping ruminations over things that cause stress; it helps people keep from dwelling on negative thoughts. Mindfulness can also be used to decrease anxiety over the future. It can provide a break from stressful thoughts and allow you to take a mental break and gain perspective, among other things. As mentioned earlier, mindfulness can be achieved most simply through meditation. Regular practice of mindfulness meditation has benefits for your physical as well as your mental health. This state of consciousness is the condition of Mosha, the joy of the empty mind. Here we see how this concept is essentially the core subject of meditation (Indian: Dhyan). The word Dhyan defines the essence of mindfulness better and really captures the essence better than the term meditation. Meditation is a term that in the West is often seen as a kind of concentration, for example at one point or the breathing. Meditation However, the rest in an empty mind. Dhyan conjunction with Chan (Chinese) and is responsible for the Japanese Zen. Thus we see through these terms how the essence of mindfulness associated with a different state of consciousness. The consciousness of an empty mind. Mindfulness has for our two sides. The side which points to the path of the empty spirit in the side is valuable for patients. Die aspects we can work as therapists in assisting patients. Now something about the latter. Mindfulness and therapy Mindfulness can in today's medicine is an important complement to many different and can therapien patients with chronic diseases and, for example, depression and anxiety enormous help processes and acceptance of the handicaps. It is a dimension of our consciousness that we do not know as a Western man, and an enormous enrichment can mean for the patient, but also for the therapist. Because mindfulness is not something that is within a therapeutic relationship, as this is not the therapist also knows from its own experience. The essence of the rest in the empty mind when mindfulness is the relaxation in the 'watcher', in the pure consciousness that perceive ourselves in ho we are, how we move etc. Through continual relax in what has been, and that can be observed creates an identification with the problems and emotions and our whole ego. Then there will be space for new compounds and also, for example, for creativity.


1st ad break on The Goonies, Granada, 1991

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-09 16:16:21

The 1st ad break on The Goonies on Granada in 1991, man, can't believe I still have this old recording, I was 15 at the time and had the VCR recording it at home while I was at a mates house.


BrownEyedAngel86  2007-11-29 09:46:59

Wow, thanks for posting this. My text book for uni has an analysis of the Sprite advert in the chapter on visual English, but I couldn't quite see how the advert worked (I was only about 5 when this was out, so I don't remember it!) I think I needed to see it to understand how it worked! Ooh, cheesy...
lurch721  2007-08-19 20:47:16

I taped that film at the same time but I threw out all my tapes when I went over to dvd in about 2003 wish I hadn't now
welshuser  2007-07-24 11:44:11

I've been wanting to see that Tennat's Extra advert again for a while. That chick at the end of the Crunchie advert looks like a right Essex girl. I bet she swallows, too.
martinokeefe  2007-07-07 13:12:00

That's Tanya Turner's husband from Footballers Wives in the Tetley advert, much younger obviously!
RossPK81  2007-06-14 10:33:21

How is it creepy?

Dennis Ferrer- church lady

Duration: 08:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-06 07:55:27

great music


FunkyB54  2008-03-18 13:24:53

PlacidoDomingoVITCH  2008-03-06 17:15:03

SO good !!! <3
Weibsvoice  2008-03-04 07:46:03

atzelinio1  2008-02-10 15:37:01

absolut der hammer!!!

NDS Final Fantasy IV Gameplay Test

Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-14 11:27:45

the translation is fine but if only there was a way to remove the words cluttering.


deidarajunior1508  2008-03-23 17:06:09

the battle system looks so fucked up!
sm4ll  2008-02-11 08:10:22

FF3 DS looks better =]
Zeyhk  2008-01-24 19:28:16

Oh definitely. Where's my SRW W translation?
snesmaster40  2008-01-14 20:41:38

It's kinda annoying how DS romhackers aren't focusing on Japanese games that would never be released, instead they make patches for games that will come out in a couple of month.
rowancty  2008-01-14 12:43:16

You are using nds emulator? I will look forward it.