Thursday, September 27, 2007

an rap

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-30 22:40:06
User: beebee890
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an rap


alyssa20016 ::: Favorites
07-06-27 11:25:40
CranchFilms ::: Favorites
I love the part about the pickup truck!
07-06-26 23:01:39
georgecastellvi ::: Favorites
youtube rocks like a pickup truck just like your flow
07-05-04 01:50:11
fleetcolor ::: Favorites
07-04-27 14:19:11
noseamp ::: Favorites
what a moron!
07-04-16 14:46:45
noseamp ::: Favorites
what a moron
07-04-16 14:46:32
tallica1988 ::: Favorites
u can not be serious plz say this is an act cause if it isnt u need shot
07-04-15 20:02:44
AlexSorrellshaha ::: Favorites
hahaha1 funny!
07-04-12 22:52:32
xxcashvillexx ::: Favorites
Like a pick up truck XD
07-04-11 00:50:02
SgtFraser ::: Favorites
Your the next Enemin
07-04-08 02:07:54

Naruto Chatroom 14

Duration: 06:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 10:38:11
User: Lissy45213
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Enjoy! ^_^


cheerleadingx3333 ::: Favorites
no comment on the raping.....
07-09-13 15:25:06
kiba853 ::: Favorites
Your cahts are very cool^_^
07-09-04 21:42:22
102pengy102 ::: Favorites
hey i love alex45213 he is so cute
07-08-19 16:24:15
luvshinata ::: Favorites
i cant believe lee raped sasuke either he is stupid or hes just wierd in his own way =]
07-07-31 16:20:37
cutiebunny53 ::: Favorites
thats so true stupid lee and his youthfulness
07-07-29 20:48:50
Skitty200100 ::: Favorites
It was funny in a disgusting way and he scares me with all the youthfulness cr**
07-07-29 20:36:26
wamumix ::: Favorites
lol soe 1 finally got raped!! me likey!
07-07-27 20:33:45
XoXoMidnightMoonXoXo ::: Favorites
OMG!! poor sasuke lol love your chat funny, very funny ^.^
07-07-26 08:25:26
cutiebunny53 ::: Favorites
same here
07-07-24 12:14:20
bustergoods ::: Favorites
great chat that was funny. please keep doing these chatrooms there very funny. yet the rape part was nasty
07-07-23 22:30:01

Gribouille - Les Amants

Duration: 04:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-21 02:48:52
User: gusyverde
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Les amants by Gribouille Les amants, quand ils quittent nos lits En fin d'après midi Pour retrouver leurs femmes, Les amants redeviennent petits Redeviennent tout gris Et perdent tout leur charme Les amants, les amants, Les amants, quand ils regardent l'heure Ont des airs de voleurs, de pilleurs de jardins Les amants, ça vous offre des fleurs Et puis quelques quarts d'heures Et puis un jour... plus rien. Les amants ont quelquefois vingt ans Plus souvent quarante ans Mais il faut bien le dire Les amants Ce sont les beaux enfants qui arrêtent le temps Le temps, le temps de vieillir, de vieillir. Les amants ah ! Les beaux matadors Qui couchés dans nos bras Reprennent la Bastille Les amants, on sait bien que dehors N'ont d'autres aventures que les jeux de manille Les amants On les pleure quelquefois Mais le prochain qui vient Refleurit notre chambre Et l'on s'aime une saison de lilas Oubliant que bientôt vient le temps de Novembre, de novembre Les amants... nos amants. PLEASE VISIT MY NEW CHANNEL: A LITTLE TRIBUTE THAT I MADE TO THIS AMAZING ARTIST GRIBOUILLE (Marie-France GAITE) est née le 17 juillet 1941 au sein d'une famille de la bourgeoisie lyonnaise. La petite très, trop sensible, porte en elle la passion de chanter. Avec comme seul désir le fait de vouloir vivre sa vie, en refusant toute contrainte. Ses parents ont beaucoup de mal à saisir cette nature difficile. Après des études cahotiques, Marie-France est placée dans un Centre d'observation dont elle garde un excellent souvenir,un lieu où les éducateurs s'apercoivent vite que l'adolescente est un exemple rare de ce qu'on nomme "un animal de la Chanson". On confie GRIBOUILLE (qui tient ce pseudonyme d'une éducatrice) à d'autres centres où elle ne se plaît pas. Elle retourne auprès de sa bande de copains qui vit dans une grande villa de la banlieue lyonnaise. Cinéphile, GRIBOUILLE court les cinémas afin d'échapper à la solitude. Parfois, cette passion l'entraîne à voir 5 ou 6 films d'affilée. A l'âge de 16 ans l'adolescente se produit à Lyon dans une petite "boîte" où il y a une petite salle disponible pour ces jeunes sans le sous qui sont enchantés par GRIBOUILLE. Déjà des journalistes ont repéré le potentiel artistique de GRIBOUILLE. De l'enseignement qui lui a été prodigué elle n'a gardé qu'une belle maîtrise du piano. Un beau jour, elle décide de "monter" à Paris en auto-stop. La légende veut que ce soit dans un corbillard automobile qu'elle arrive Place du Châtelet, en pleine nuit avec en poche juste 15 Francs de l'époque. Elle rencontre très vite un dessinateur qui lui enseigne l'art des "craies". Elle vit alors du fruit des dessins de têtes d'enfants qu'elle dessine sur les trottoirs de Saint-Germain-des-Près. Sans domicile fixe, GRIBOUILLE dormait la nuit dans une voiture laissée ouverte le long des quais de la Seine ou dans les coffres à ménage sur les paliers des immeubles des beaux quartiers. Elle trouve un engagement en Allemagne durant 4 mois mais sans contrat, mal rétribuée elle revient en France et reprend ses "craies"sur les trottoirs de Paris. Le soir, elle chante à "La Cabane Bambou". Elle y fait la connaissance d'un metteur en scène qui la présente à l'animatrice de télévision, Aimée MORTIMER qui la prend en vedette dans son émission. Ses premiers articles de presse paraîssent, certains la comparent à BARBARA, à BREL. Le légendaire "Boeuf sur le Toit" sera l'un des premiers cabarets parisiens à la recevoir. Là, elle y rencontre Jean COCTEAU qui sera le premier à lui faire confiance. Pour lui marquer son admiration il lui dessine un de ces visages dont il avait le secret et que GRIBOUILLE conservera en guise de porte-bonheur. Un premier 45 Tours de GRIBOUILLE (tiré à quelques exemplaires) sort en novembre 1963 avec 2 de titres signés de Michel BREUZARD pour les textes: "Paris terre mouillée" et "L'artiste". Charles DUMONT, compositeur entre autres pour Edith PIAF de "Le billard électrique", "Non, je ne regrette rien"... compose pour GRIBOUILLE quatre chansons du second 45 Tours qui paraît en octobre 1964 mais dont elle tient à écrire elle-même les paroles: ("Si j'ai le coeur en berne", Chagrin, Si tu ne rentres pas, "J'irai danser quand même"). Un autre 45 Tours "Mourir de joie" sort à la suite avec des musiques de trois compositeurs, Jo MOUTET, LOUIGUY et du chanteur Jean-Claude ANNOUX. En février 1965 paraît son 4ème disque qui comprend 2 des titres à succès de l'oeuvre de la chanteuse: "Mathias" et "Grenoble". Ces 2 titres seront largement diffusés sur les radios. Dans ses textes GRIBOUILLE expose son mal vivre, cette mélancolie infinie qui lui vient de son enfance passée de pension en pension et une adolescence faite d'errances, elle qui craint tant la solitude. Elle enregistre jusqu'en 1966 quatre autres 45 Tours avec la collaboration de compositeurs très talentueux: Jacques DEBRONCKART, Gérard BOURGEOIS, Jean-Max RIVIÈRE, Georges CHELON: "Mourir demain", "Elle t'attend" et "Dieu Julie", et "A ta santé, madame". A 27 ans, à l'aube du succès qui devait se concrétiser par un premier album à paraître en février 1968, GRIBOUILLE referme le livre de sa vie le 18 janvier 1968 dans son appartement de la rue Crozatier, emportant avec elle le secret de l'origine exacte de sa mort que certains justifieront par une personnalité suicidaire. GRIBOUILLE laisse une oeuvre intense, vibrante et poignante, où la mort et la vie joue à cache-cache, la voix inoubliable d'une artiste de légende, romantique et unique.


ccxvii ::: Favorites
Love this video. Helped me expand on the French theme of my youtube channel so I embedded it at the top. (i also have a French theme song, and I named it after a famous French guy)
07-09-25 19:25:46
sodakota22 ::: Favorites
je ne parle pas francais mais sa voix peut comprendre dans beaucoup de langues parce qu'elle chante avec son couer
07-06-09 18:35:38
gusyverde ::: Favorites
Youre right sodakota22, she sang with the heart, thanks for watch!!! greetings Luisa
07-06-10 00:21:08
almudenapaz ::: Favorites
Hola Louisi: este video está de "peluche", jamás había visto algo así. Gracias por tener en You Tube algo tan innovador y tan padre. Felicidades.
07-04-08 14:56:06
ledemonnoir ::: Favorites
Mais comment est-il possible que je n'ai jamais entendu de Gribouille jusqu'a aujourdh'ui? Quelle superbe chanson! Merci pour cette video.
07-04-08 11:44:47
hamperoutyoun ::: Favorites
merci Gusyverde, merci encore.C'est merveilleux.
07-03-31 22:27:37
javieredilux ::: Favorites
Me ha impresionado este video de LOS AMANTES, parece grabado en tinta china y aunque es una trajedia, me gustó. Bravo por tus experimentos, son ondas muy novedosas.
07-03-24 19:57:59
degouteur ::: Favorites
Tres beau video. Quelle voix, quelles images ! Gribouille ? Jamais entendue d'elle jusqu'a vous. Merci beaucoup
07-03-23 02:59:38

The 300 Workout (A&B)

Duration: 07:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-02 01:50:40
User: Ellimist325
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My friend and I did the 300's on June 1st, 2007. This is the result. Source: Gym Jones website. Opinions: Everybody has one.


magnet101 ::: Favorites
Hardcore stuff.
07-09-06 17:42:10
keetonbob ::: Favorites
When Things Go Wrong by Airwave
07-08-27 21:21:14
retardriot911 ::: Favorites
what is the name of that hot techno song playing? it makes me want to rave
07-08-24 00:26:01
patdimeyah ::: Favorites
The pull ups for the second guy and the floor wipers were done with bad form... other than that though good job it looks tought. When doing floor wipers, you need to raise both feet towards one of the weights, back down to the middle then to the opposing weight and thats is considered one rep.
07-08-19 01:52:43
BearsMuhammad87 ::: Favorites
I didnt say it would only cause this, did i? ummmm no! I told you what can happen, and atrophy will most likely be the result, repeating this "workout". If you knew the body and how it reacts to exercise and about the buildup of too much lactic acid, you would understand. And the kyphosis is a result of bad form, not working out.
07-08-14 21:33:50
adtastic ::: Favorites
not actually true. sure doing the same thing over and over will yield slow to no results after a certain extent, but your muscles don't need two whole days to recover as a general rule. it really depends what you do prior. plus, this is just a test, it's not a 'workout'
07-08-12 19:49:32
leechtheboxer ::: Favorites
the guy that said this isn't a workout is actually correct. I am studien 2 be a personal trainer, i am a boxer, and love fitness. When you keep repeating the same workout you will not get any results because you need to give each muscle at least two days rest. thats why people say something like, "today I am doing back and biceps" because they need to give the shoulders and triceps a rest from the day before.
07-08-11 13:54:43
kenwlowell ::: Favorites
What do you mean this isn't a workout. All this stuff is basically circuit training which has been around forever. Bad form is bad form, and working out beyond your ability is always to be discouraged. But to say that intense circuit training should not ne bothered with and can will only cause injury and liver problems is just not true. Ask any professional sports athelete or marine cadet what their booth camp training was like, and how many cases of kyphosis they see on a regular basis.
07-08-11 02:37:29
BearsMuhammad87 ::: Favorites
Not sure if this has been mentioned but this isnt a workout, its a assessment test after a period of training. This isnt something performed regularly. A workout like this can lead to injury. All of the lactic acid buildup can shut down your liver an also atrophy is most likely the outcome. Do yourselves a favor and not even bother. And to the guy doing the deads on the left. Dont be surprised if you end up having kyphosis, or some kind of soft tissue injury.
07-08-09 22:03:01
kungfuman82 ::: Favorites
I'm with you. I think this "do it all without rest" is just urban legend/ignorant bullshit. If you watch the video's on Gym Jones' and CrossFit's sites you'll see every single person taking quick water/breath breaks.
07-08-07 12:58:21

Prank Call to Best Buy!

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-12 20:23:57
User: border43
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I made this prank call to Best Buy asking how to uninstall diablo 2... I laughed...


songthissing12321 ::: Favorites
lmfao good idea
07-09-23 14:33:56
Virgil077 ::: Favorites
lol. the funny part is no matter how stupid you sound they always stay on the line with you
07-09-13 15:54:30
border43 ::: Favorites
yeah i love that so much it is a really good idea for a prank call i was utterly impressed with myself XD lol
07-09-13 14:09:47
spidergirl79 ::: Favorites
07-09-10 04:04:23
CubsFan2812 ::: Favorites
i made this same prank only to sears lol
07-08-16 22:01:55
rcjs2051 ::: Favorites
Thats freaking awesome.
07-08-15 21:59:54
davenowood ::: Favorites
07-08-02 23:57:01
shotie987654321 ::: Favorites
lmao thats so funny. i just started laughing so hard when u said theres just a bunch of wires and stuff.
07-07-21 22:22:17
Virgil077 ::: Favorites
hahahaha "i opened up my computer and i dont see anything here just a bunch of wires" XD
07-07-21 22:11:58
shmeg16 ::: Favorites
that really can tell your about to laff
07-06-27 03:29:37

How to act black

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-06 15:01:48
User: AIK19
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From the upcoming movie 'Totally Awesome'


nevawrong ::: Favorites
im black, & i wanna learn how to act like- kid rock- tommy lee- insane clown posse,- courtney love- limbiskit- aerosmith- beasty boys- osbornes- gothac people- steve o- & marolyn manson. those are all positive white role models. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol. & millions of white people in the "US" acts just like those famous white crackers. TRAILER PARK TRASH.
07-09-17 04:28:01
sreggineid ::: Favorites
wait i got a free 5 mins ill tell how to act black steal be a stinkin nigger wear baggy clothes that will fit Aundry the giant wait for handouts from white people half pronounce every word in the English dictionary swing punches like a monkey have unfair fights and thats how you act like a shit flinging monkey nigga
07-09-01 08:03:27
StarInAYear ::: Favorites
07-08-25 14:20:42
StarInAYear ::: Favorites
LMAOOO we gon get jumped by 8 decepticons or sumthin..hahahaaa
07-08-25 14:17:39
tedrasmallbroadbo ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-08 14:28:04
AOEGuy ::: Favorites
peeka boo ima hump you hahahahaha
07-07-28 13:10:58
Jelloxox ::: Favorites
THAT IS SOOOOO TRUE. When your walking down the street black men say what ever dey want to you..LMFAO I do mean whatever
07-07-23 01:49:59
Xxx313xxX ::: Favorites
iam white and i think it funny
07-07-13 17:22:56
btyrsov ::: Favorites
I do dat dreamland walk all the time dat is serious lol
07-06-02 23:38:02
mhaze210 ::: Favorites
"this walk right here is kind of dangerous cuz u gota smoke angel dust" hjahhahahah
07-05-06 14:10:53

Lee Ayumi-photo music video

Duration: 05:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-22 01:10:03
User: mcchengyan
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Hope u like it =] BGM: Shanghai Baby 上海寶貝 by japanese singer Chara


twinkyx99 ::: Favorites
wat u did sing this rite??
07-09-25 17:41:50
twinkyx99 ::: Favorites
07-09-25 17:40:01
litonihonjinlover206 ::: Favorites
07-08-20 20:13:25
xoxlollypop ::: Favorites
she's the same person lol
07-08-17 14:25:46
merelywasted ::: Favorites
THANK YOU. i love this song
07-07-27 03:06:13
mcchengyan ::: Favorites
sry..guys..i didnt mention about the BGM..its called Shanghai Baby 上海寶貝 by japanese singer Chara..
07-07-22 05:32:35
112239 ::: Favorites
yea i agree.. sounds like she has smashed her throat wiv somthin then sang. even i can sing like that if i was a girl i think. anyways i love aaahhhuuuuummmmeeeee!
07-07-20 06:20:24
RoanokeCandy ::: Favorites
God this songs fuckin annoying, i hate when jap girls sing like that.
07-07-15 00:11:13
merelywasted ::: Favorites
please, tell me the SONG... i beg you,,,,
07-07-14 06:21:25
litonihonjinlover206 ::: Favorites
what's the bg song?
07-07-12 12:41:28

fat chicks beatdown a guy

Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-12 23:21:02
User: erikam127
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3 fat chicks down some guy that was talking shit


5285957 ::: Favorites
Fat fucks unite?lol Fuck fat people, get some duck tape and stop eating. Get some exercise. I would have stole those fat bitches in their face. FAT PEOPLE SMELL LIEK SHIT CAUSE THEY CANT WIFE RIGHT!@
07-09-22 13:51:05
flaggr82 ::: Favorites
man i hate fat bitches, they're always gettin in the way cause they walk so slow/take up so much room
07-09-16 20:08:15
WendyWyld ::: Favorites
Woohooooo!! way to go ladies. Kick the fuckin snot outta the ugly dude. LOL!
07-09-10 10:37:12
deskpro05 ::: Favorites
that was a joke jerk, Full Grown
07-09-06 20:39:44
ulsterken ::: Favorites
alright little boy. Fuck off and do ur homework.
07-09-06 19:24:58
deskpro05 ::: Favorites
I can take a joke and I am grown up; next week im turnig 11 and a half
07-09-06 18:42:07
ulsterken ::: Favorites
"my ho's do my gardening so you are right if shes not on the corner shes watering my plants!!"FUCKEM IF THEY CANT TAKE A JOKE" I need to grow up?? Read and re-read your post and then consider reverting that advice back to yourself.
07-09-06 16:27:07
xfiles714 ::: Favorites
there are more pretty women on this planet then good looking men. why do ugly, fat, bald, old guys still think they should have pretty women??!!!look at your self in the mirror!!!it ain't pretty!!! by the way,i am a size 6
07-08-26 13:27:29
brushyouteeth ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahahaha, you can hear the police in the background say we have an extremely large chick beating on a very skinny bloak lol hahaha
07-08-12 23:12:37
aem588 ::: Favorites
haha he got his ass whipped. He deserved it
07-08-08 16:34:08

Outback Steakhouse Commercial

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-20 01:22:19
User: DNordbak
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Outback Steakhouse Commercial with a re-make of an Of Montreal song


tallmacv ::: Favorites
Ew, I knew it was the Wraith...bummer
07-09-26 00:21:46
adsfo ::: Favorites
no youre a disgrace if you think the ad makes any difference in the big picture
07-09-23 23:00:43
adsfo ::: Favorites
actually they barely made any money from this, by request
07-09-23 22:59:55
beaner10203 ::: Favorites
and u now it
07-09-23 15:15:54
drugstothedearyouth ::: Favorites
hipsters everywhere are in tears
07-09-22 14:21:54
CCdoesyermom ::: Favorites
this is such a horrible debauchery of a pretty brilliant song and it kills me to see this. couldnt they at least have made the lyrics better!!!???
07-09-20 01:00:00
Ghostmonsters ::: Favorites
Oh well at least a band we love is gaining success and they got some extra cash to spend from this I bet so we should be happy for them.
07-09-19 22:29:40
MookyChick ::: Favorites
haha Well put! (^_^) You speak the truth.
07-09-16 01:50:11
Cherifba ::: Favorites
ummm haven't you guys realized indie rock is kinda dead. most "indie" acts are signed to major labels. Indie is basically a term that allows yuppies to pretend they aren't yuppies but young hip kids with bright futures. pssssshaw
07-09-13 14:25:21
k21chrono ::: Favorites
07-09-09 18:31:34

Lucky Star らき☆すた ED #04

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 13:14:58
User: KoskeKTR
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アニメ版「らき☆すた」ED #04 「セーラー服と機関銃」 sairer fuku to kikanju 唄:柊かがみ(加藤英美里) Singer: Kagami Hiiragi (Emiri Katou) 「この前まで一緒にドラマ視てたでしょ」 「私はやっぱ映画の方だなぁ」


adriennesweetborred ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-21 20:06:56
luckydog09 ::: Favorites
Lucky Star PWNZ XD Kona-chan is THE BEST
07-07-02 19:00:29
pokemaster7707 ::: Favorites
OMG I've heard this song before!!! something about someone's heart... a love song persay...
07-05-29 20:10:06
Xlthanga ::: Favorites
i know i heard this song before but I can't place which j-drama/anime it belongs to
07-05-17 12:25:07
ShitakeMushrooms ::: Favorites
According to Wikipedia, it's "Sailor Fuku to Kikanjuu" from Sailor Suit and Machine Gun?)
07-05-26 01:53:45
soleig ::: Favorites
Rahhhh why I talk only in english... I love this, so funny!
07-05-05 13:58:13
AryaSlayers ::: Favorites
NICE!!!!! *w* I love Lucky Star. It's kawaii
07-05-02 14:08:31

britney please be mine

Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 21:50:12
User: beebee890
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britney please be mine


mpolax ::: Favorites
You only want her because she's rich and famous. I don't think that's right, BeeBee. :\
07-07-18 06:48:51
yomomma31 ::: Favorites
07-07-09 15:29:01
beebeeisabitchbitch ::: Favorites
yeah man i could hook u up with a fatass crack whore down the street named shelby
07-07-09 15:23:24
kochie1221 ::: Favorites
maybe if u got ur ass out of ur house u could actually see a girl in real life besides ur mom and brittney spears has kids and a husband creepy bitch
07-07-04 01:20:29
sk1zz0t ::: Favorites
you're stupid. this isnt funny.
07-06-28 15:48:38
Zeroguin ::: Favorites
07-06-27 22:12:23
Mortalize ::: Favorites
07-06-27 23:27:00
WakenBakeGrl ::: Favorites
07-06-27 22:08:05

Beecher and Keller Love

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-12 20:36:03
User: way2ju4u
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If you haven't watched OZ, you should. It is an amazing drama that addresses the issues of drugs, religion, and love in prison. This video chronicles some of the best moments between the relationship of Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen) and Christopher Keller (Christopher Meloni). The song is "Love Profusion" by Madonna. Enjoy :)


blindbandit666 ::: Favorites
Beecher & Keller 4 ever... gran video... te la comiste.. xD (Oz lo mejor...)
07-09-12 20:43:53
blindbandit666 ::: Favorites
Verga.. este video es super... no solo por la cancion sino por q
07-09-12 20:40:30
markntx ::: Favorites
Brilliantly put together way2ju4u. The song definitely compliments the montage.
07-09-10 14:05:06
kittysboo89 ::: Favorites
amazing video, keep them coming please!
07-09-05 15:05:59
Vittoriocacciatore ::: Favorites
and the song fit perfectly!
07-09-04 20:17:48
Vittoriocacciatore ::: Favorites
Thanks for the video. It´s beautiful and moves me deeply. I loved them and their relationship was important in that moment of my life...
07-09-04 20:15:55
jogenova ::: Favorites
i would definitely do their hair! LOL
07-08-27 20:03:21
JezabelGaliazzo ::: Favorites
OZ the name of the show is OZ
07-08-27 05:05:58
Polishpower4169 ::: Favorites
Damn!!! That Was Very Hot To Watch Cris Maloney!! In A Gay Seen Like That!! I Just Wish It Was Me He Was Doing That Too!!! MMMM!!!
07-08-26 16:56:54
Polishpower4169 ::: Favorites
I Thought That This Was Very Hot To See Chris Meloney In A Hot Gay Seen!! Damn!! I Wish That Was Me He Was Doing That Too!! MM Yea!!!
07-08-26 16:54:14

아이엠 샘 I am Sam 04/09/07 ep.10 (3/8)

Duration: 09:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 16:53:40
User: ladee111
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day



paperheartsky ::: Favorites
7 00 they looks so funny
07-09-09 00:25:20
monkeyz89 ::: Favorites
she cut her hair? looks the same 2 me.
07-09-05 14:11:37
blooxstarxRR ::: Favorites
i just noticed that park minyoung cut her hair....looks gross..
07-09-04 19:50:32
theasdf40 ::: Favorites
she doesnt look gross. looks hoter
07-09-09 19:37:51
ilikecoke ::: Favorites
07-09-04 18:48:48
jyiskool ::: Favorites
07-09-04 17:22:17
dohe421 ::: Favorites
thanks~~ ^^
07-09-04 17:13:10