Thursday, March 27, 2008

Re: Let's play some POKER...

Duration: 00:9 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-21 04:06:05

I fold.


Wohosky  2006-11-25 23:30:50

Thank you El Great Purge.
thegreatpurge  2006-11-25 22:23:23

darkmoxie  2006-11-24 01:18:48

You're very welcome!
dunlapgal  2006-11-21 23:16:32

LOL yes it just happens to be a brand name tire but in this case it is also a name of a town and not a dunlap over your belt either...LOL
Wohosky  2006-11-21 22:49:37

Muchas Gracias you crazy italian you. Yeah, I know, that was spanish. My bad.

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