Thursday, March 27, 2008

From Really Big Shrimp "Makes me Happy"

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-07 11:08:23

This is basically Makes me Happy from Really Big Shrimp.


lindzluverly  2008-03-20 20:54:59

I love the original, but I really wanted to hear the little remix that the record company did in the movie. it was really bubblegum-y, as Drake said.
imsmarturnot1234  2008-03-20 17:31:01

is it totally black for youguys?
SwimmerChiky  2008-03-17 20:46:54

Not even a video, you guys can't say that it IS a video. A good song, but next time, please at least put on pictures of the movie or Drake Bell.
johawk97  2008-03-12 19:02:26

AngryOatMealMan  2008-03-11 06:28:17

Some people r so retarted and think this is bad.WELL,i think 100% different i think this is a really good vid!

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