Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sam's Big in Japan #10-"Yokohama Boats + Shibuya's Camelot"

Duration: 08:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-04 10:15:30

***IF YOU LIKE THIS VID PLZ SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT**** :D So, last weekend I went to a party that my buddy Isaac set up to take place on a BOAT in Yokohama. Quite snazzy :p After that I went clubbing w/ my ex-coworker/Aussie mate Geoff. He introduced me to a club called "Camelot" located near Shibuya Tower Records. Sorry I didn't get any footage of the club, it was too dark to get anything worth viewing. Also wanna thank Jim from the U.K for stopping me and telling me how much he liked my vids :)


HouseShoeRock  2008-04-04 15:47:54

I also would like to know the name of that Rip Slyme song.
diddykongfu  2008-03-24 22:53:26

man if japan where a woman i would make sweet sweet love to it
shizzzzzzzzam  2008-03-19 09:23:54

thanks for the reply very helpful :)
TkyoSam  2008-03-19 09:09:26

thanks for the comment. I think you need to be making $2000 minimum a month to live decently with rent and all that other shite included ;)
TkyoSam  2008-03-19 09:07:39

I don't have a website, there are a couple located aroudn this prefecture though ;) Don't know how far they are spread around Japan, but there are plenty of places like it around.

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