Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hank Marvin Guitar Man promo video

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-24 05:13:54

2' promo video for Hank Marvin's Guitar Man album


geoffr25  2008-02-18 02:34:33

Hank often plays with Cliff R on his tours. I think he lives in Perth WA.
ragdollrule  2008-02-15 12:02:20

in his channel is said that his age is 70 and hes from united kingdom so thanks brian!
charliedrakes  2008-02-07 10:19:35

Did any one notice that jackfirestick posted this? which Brian Bennett used for his name on Hank's Into The Light Album. Well done if you posted this Brian, i just love this video so much.
charliedrakes  2008-02-07 10:15:50

Hank is the Best
angelcacha  2008-01-16 14:39:37

hank marvin,y su strato, no hay mas palabras, solo escuchar.

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