Friday, October 5, 2007

Go on home

Duration: 01:27 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-28 13:39:05
User: Gso3
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up the ra


wtfiswrongwitya ::: Favorites
No surrender? where ya from? paddy? doubt thats his name. It doesn't seem to me that they have lost yet. infact sf is in government. they won't lose.
07-07-26 11:48:45
TheSaxSon ::: Favorites
No fookin lost paddy...hehehe
07-02-20 05:12:40
mst3k4evur ::: Favorites
"Real Military Organization"? "Rebel Proberly"? They tried that in 1916 and look at what it got them. Terrorism and Guerilla warfare may not be pretty but it serves its purpose.
07-01-07 22:38:56
JusticiarVolchak ::: Favorites
True. That's war though. I just don't like militant nationalists that use terrorism. If the PIRA were to form a real military organisation and acctually rebel properly I'd respect them. Just blowing things up and shooting people in the street though? That's a no-no. I'm not saying that British soldiers in Ulster during the troubles were any better, just that these ultra-nationalists should either go one way or another. Through peaceful talks or full on revolution.
07-01-06 23:38:11
sailorladpeadar ::: Favorites
if your country was under foreign occupation, you'd probably sit on your arse and let it be, wouldn't you?
07-01-04 23:29:29
sailorladpeadar ::: Favorites
i wouldn't call it sponging off. they could never make up in two centuries for the damage they've done so far. and for the lives they've wasted away they can never make up.
07-01-04 23:25:09
sailorladpeadar ::: Favorites
And how the fuck did it get to that agreement? How much did the Irish struggle before that? You need some reality check yourself.
07-01-04 23:20:56
thetrooper72 ::: Favorites
wheres you loyalty , if it wasnt for us Limey bastards there would not be a USA !
06-12-12 15:03:23
UTNO4NOLA ::: Favorites
America didn't support you in WW2. We saved your sorry ass from the Germans! We should have let them take you first, like France. We fucked you up once, don't make us do it again! Limey bastards!
06-12-06 02:50:38
UTNO4NOLA ::: Favorites
I'm an American too buddy. Your a fucking idiot. Sorry fuck, So you don't you believe in defending freedom? Go move to France with all the other pussies. God Bless America and the IRA!
06-12-06 02:46:02

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