Sunday, April 6, 2008

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Helix (Lift Type) VAWT

Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-11 01:12:48

Helical (twisted) Vertical Axis ( VAWT ) 6kW Wind Turbine. This particular turbine costs a ridiculous AUD$75,500 installed and would take 75 years to pay for itself, but I'm sure it could be built ALOT cheaper by any skilled fabricator.


tsport100  2008-04-03 23:23:44

Air tight sphere? This has to be a joke right!
mohamedsmith  2008-04-03 19:30:55

Look for torque instead of speed.
mohamedsmith  2008-04-03 19:29:27

Way too much noise! If each of us owned such a windmill this could become a big problem.
chikotube  2008-04-03 17:47:48

all you need to do is wrap wire loops around it, about an inch or so apart, and it should minimize how far a bird can actually get past the blade path. Don't use a mesh because it would actually reduce the efficency and make it noisier.
9Ramirez  2008-04-03 17:17:32

bird's are smart there not like us humans BurntRevenge

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