Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Quran--Surat AsSajdah (Verses 1-22) by Al-Afasy--Ramdan 2006

Duration: 09:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-03 19:58:47
User: truthflash
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A recitation by sheikh Mashari Al-Afasy of the first 22 verses of surat As-Sajdah from Ramdan 1427H/2006. There is an English translation of the verses meaning. ***download link*** http://www.4shared.com/dir/1421722/3af0420f/quran.html [Click on the above link. On the opened page, click on the video you would like to download. A New window will open. Wait for the download link (about mid-page at left) to get activated (you will see "Loading file info. Please wait..."). Once the video information appears, you will see 3x3 table where the bottom-rightmost cell contains "Download file click here". Click on the underlined "click here" to start the download. If can't download, please try some other time as there is a limit on the number of download connections.] ------------------------------------- Verses 23-30 of this surah at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSI67okGzAM


magmigmag ::: Favorites
Allahoma ehdinaa fee man hadayeet .. wa 3afinaa fee man 3afayeet .. wa tawalana fee man tawalayeet .. wa barik lana fee ma a36ayeet .. wa 8ina wa9rif 3ana birahmatika shara ma 8adayt Ameen
07-10-08 20:48:29
hbhatty ::: Favorites
Sadly the news we get is that the palestinians in Ramallah drink alcohol during ramadan all night and very few observe fasting. I wonder if Allah will be happy with that. May Allah guide and protect us from all evils. Now I understand why palestinians are suffering, they have left the way of Allah and His Rasool 'saw'.
07-10-03 19:26:30
OneUniversalCreed ::: Favorites
subhanallah! the Qur'an is a reminder and a healer for those who believe
07-10-03 17:26:46
hbhatty ::: Favorites
Brother in Islam, What I mean is that muslims are to follow Quran and Sunnah.Only that interpretation of Quran and Sunnah that was given by the Prophet 'saw' and understood by the companions of the Prophet 'saw'is to be followed. Modern day new interpretaions are the cause of all divisions and turmoil among the muslims. Hence follow Quran and Sunnah as explained by the Prophet 'saw' and understood by the companions.
07-10-02 18:44:44
ainulhakimi ::: Favorites
07-09-30 20:53:49
WhizKid45 ::: Favorites
07-09-29 20:04:11
osamabmw ::: Favorites
may allah guid you to islam because it is the real religion Aamin!!!
07-09-29 14:45:04
monicab944 ::: Favorites
I only relax when i hear quran. God pless islam
07-09-29 02:37:38
extempers ::: Favorites
Masha'Allah, May Allah reward Mishary
07-09-26 16:25:54
shady6999 ::: Favorites
he gave you hearing (ears), sight and hearts. Little is the thanks you give. so true thnks for uploading this vid.
07-09-23 22:32:42

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