Monday, August 27, 2007


Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 20:15:57
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

This is the trailer for the movie I am Legend

Augments ::: Favorites
why should they make this remake , it looks good but it will never be better that the omega man.
07-08-25 13:04:49
IanTheMan0804 ::: Favorites
its vampires. read the book.
07-08-21 20:08:30
Foomanala ::: Favorites
they're not literally vampires they just have symptoms just like it
07-08-24 13:39:17
MistahMcleod ::: Favorites
what is the thing hes not alone with?
07-08-21 02:33:23
fassiniho786 ::: Favorites
is it mutants or vampires??
07-08-19 16:23:45
bibby42 ::: Favorites
07-08-19 19:30:10
tsaar123 ::: Favorites
omg there not vampires there mutants...created by the manmade virus...or somthing with somsort of virus and whats the name of that song at the begining of the trailer
07-08-17 21:40:19
Tallacus ::: Favorites
whoa, he fights vampires? thats just seem really awkward to me, at first i was thinking its one of those left behind flicks or something...but vampires? thats just doesnt make sense to me
07-08-16 00:12:18
dermotmusic ::: Favorites
Will Smith was the wrong choice for this film. The Fresh Prince, anguished and hunting vampires, with that dumb grin on his face? Ridiculous! It should be a credible actor, such as Ethan Hawke, in the role. The book is a great read, written by Richard Matheson.
07-08-09 07:14:32
Bambutschi ::: Favorites
Let's see. Don't like him neither, but with some movies he proved to be quite able to ACT. I just hope he's not also producing it, and if, not for kids. Should be grim grim grim.
07-08-10 09:30:17
8of93 ::: Favorites
why doesn't he just fly to other places using the lockheed blackbird? well that's if he can fly.
07-08-08 11:40:17
Merrylikechristmas ::: Favorites
Will Smith wouldn't have been my first choice after reading the book,but the trailer does look good and I'd like to see this interpretation.
07-08-06 08:14:43
TeddyRumpskinz ::: Favorites
I downloaded this trailer on my PS3 and went frame by frame at the end part where hes in the dark and I saw the monster thing. It looked like an animal not a human, so I dont think its zombies hes fighting.
07-08-03 11:40:35
ChiDoriXLR ::: Favorites
i saw it in HD and i saw it it look like some kind of freakesh dog or something
07-08-03 23:25:01
boomhs1 ::: Favorites
07-08-03 23:25:58
R2920 ::: Favorites
07-08-06 16:39:36
Lotrfan99 ::: Favorites
hey ive heard that aswell but i cant find the frame at all. Do u think u could send me frame or tell me exactly where to look. cheers
07-08-06 17:12:00
HatecrewWarrior666 ::: Favorites
this movie doesnt seem at all like the book or the movie staring vincent price but hopefuly it will be good
07-08-02 20:10:24
araciel82 ::: Favorites
Although I wouldn't have chosen Will Smith, I am still pumped to see this movie. I loved 'The Omega Man' when I was a kid, and then read 'I Am Legend' in highschool. Still haven't watched the Vincent Price movie yet, but friends say it's a good old movie.
07-08-02 11:13:22
AcidNeo ::: Favorites
I agree 100%. I was shocked when I heard The Fresh Prince was going to play Neville. Well we're stuck with it now.
07-08-01 19:27:47

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